OK Scum bags, its time to get your arse in gear and sell all that crap that’s cluttering your bases, so pack all that shit into your cars and get on down to the traders for your chance to win massive prizes. All items that are sold to the trader from the 5th October up to and including the 19th October will be counted towards your total. All trader trader types will be counted.
1st Prize: 200,000 Scum Bucks + 2 C4’s + 1500 TEC 1 Points 2nd Prize: 100,000 Scum Bucks + 1000 TEC1 Points 3rd Prize: 75,000 Scum Bucks + 500 TEC 1 Points
Important, if you are part of a squad, nominate one of your squad to sell the trader, remember this will be calculated for the PLAYER who sells the most during this period, if you spread the sales over your squad this will cost you massively.
All economy data will be temporarily hidden on discord so no one will know who is in the lead. We will be heavily monitoring ALL economy logs, anyone found using any sort of exploit will have their results voided, we’ll even wait until the end to do this, so you think you are getting away with it when you are just wasting your time.
One last thing, the sales of fish will NOT be counted towards a players total!